Plans to double the size of Cheryl and Liam Payne’s £5 million Surrey mansion

Well hello there Earth people, Gossip Girl here. While people in Florida are worried for their homes, Cheryl plans to double the size of her and Liam’s £5 million Surrey mansion. According to the Daily Mail, Cheryl and Liam have submitted their plans for doubling the size of the original building and to house their extensive fleet of cars.The changes to the mansion will add a massive new garage area, which will feature a passageway to the main house and an indoor pool.

Thanks for reading, and as always, you know you love me,                                                                                                                                                                                            xoxo, Gossip Girl


‘An Angel’ Saves Josh Gad’s Parents From Hurricane Irma

Well hello there Earth people, Gossip Girl here. While hurricane Irma continues to destroy everything around Florida, ‘angels’ are saving people from it. Josh Gad took to Instagram to thank his ‘Frozen’ co-star Kristen Bell for saving his family from hurricane Irma.

This is what Josh Gad had to say about that: “So @kristenanniebell literally saved my parents and my entire family tonight from #hurricaneirma . When they were stranded in Florida, she got them a hotel room at her hotel in Orlando and saved them, my brothers, my sister-in-law and niece and nephew. They don’t make them like this girl. Thank you Kristin. You are truly an angel sent from above. And thank you @ewablueeyes for bother her when I asked you not to!!!!”

Thanks for reading, and as always, you know you love me,                                                                                                                                                                                            xoxo, Gossip Girl

Welcome To Gossip Girl

Hey there Earth people, Gossip Girl here. You probably like to hear some celebrity gossip here. Well, trust me, you’ve come to the right place.

You know you love me,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             xoxo, Gossip Girl
